Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday: raisins

During snack time today Isaac started rolling the raisin container to me.  I rolled it back.  It went over a raisin.  *So funny.*  Even Joshua laughed a bunch.

So I tried again.  This time I squished all of Isaac's raisins.  *Hillarious!*

Isaac put up a water bottle to protect his raisins.  The raisin container knocked into it, causing it to crash.  *Big laughs*

Isaac put up two water bottles to protect the raisins.  The raisin container knocked into them, but didn't do anything.  *Still very funny*

Isaac moved the water bottles around.  The raisin container was diverted to the floor.  *Happy screams*

We managed to lose one of the duplo trains between last night and this morning.  This afternoon, Isaac found it.  I asked him where it was and he said, "By the bowls."  The embarrassing thing about this is that there are bowls all over the house (thanks Joshua), so I still have no idea where it was.

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