Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday: gymnastics and halloween

The day started out with gymnastics, and Mondays do lately.  Both classes had fewer people than normal.  Gymnastics seems to be one of the highlights of Isaac's week.

This evening we went trick or treating at a nearby church.  It was a nice night out, but I love doing it there because the amount of candy is just right.  Joshua wouldn't put a costume on until Ben told him he had to in order to get treats, so there aren't any great pictures of them together.  Isaac and I both told him he had to put it on, but I wasn't about to put it on a screaming toddler.

Isaac's costume worked pretty well, although I wish I had made a mouth hole and the eyes a bit bigger.  He ended up with a damp spot by his mouth.

Isaac had a great time; Joshua seemed a bit wary the whole time.  He especially wasn't a fan of the marshmallow man.

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