Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sunday: kids

Isaac made this fun man with the Blokus blocks.  He's good at playing the game, but it's also just fun to make designs with it.

Joshua also played with his Christmas present.  When I got in from snow blowing, he was doing fine.  Five minutes later Ben came out of the bedroom and there were crayon marks all over the floor.  His punishment was to help me clean them up.
He was ok(ish) with helping right before church, after his nap was a different story.  After sitting on the floor for ten minutes we moved to the couch.  I suggested cleaning the floor a few times but he threw a short fit every time.  So we snuggled for the next half hour.  I took cat naps and Joshua just sat there because he wasn't allowed to do anything else.  Isaac finished cleaning his room, and asked to watch TV.  I told him he could watch in his room, but Joshua also wanted to watch.  I told Joshua he could watch after the floor was clean and that finally motivated him.  (I thought we had covered that at the beginning of the hold-out, but maybe it didn't sink in.)

This was our first serious non-paper incident, possibly because Isaac doesn't really like to color.  The crayon came out pretty easily, but I wish it had been with our markers because they wipe up super easily.  Oh well.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Have you tried the ultra washable crayons?!