Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday: last day

Today was our last "no-Dad" day before school starts.  I let Isaac choose the activity and he wanted to go to a new playground.  So we went to the natural playground that I've been wanting to check out for a while.

It was pretty cool.  There were two ramps (shown above) that were a hit.  I think Joshua was just big enough to start enjoying it...there were a ton of things to climb on and he was a bit on the small side.  With a few lifts he was able to do most of it though.

Isaac liked the stump above because when he stood on it he was taller than I was.

Joshua like the heights too.

Isaac climbed into the tree, but wasn't super thrilled.

Then we found the teepee and sent quite a while here.  They found more sticks to add to it, although Isaac's plan was to close the original door and Joshua found the small sticks and threw them towards the teepee...maybe to make a wall?  I'm not really sure what he was doing, but that's fine.

Afterwards we went to the donut shop.  And that ended the celebration of the end of summer; the rest of the afternoon was pretty normal.  I'm a bit sad...the summer was good and I could have used a few more weeks.  However, Tuesday, when Isaac starts school, is shaping up to be quite busy so I might not have too much time to be melancholy.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Melancholy is a good word for it! Enjoy your long weekend!