Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wednesday: still sick

Isaac is still sick today.  It actually got worse; he was often on Ibuprofen and Tylenol and still had a low fever often.  When it wasn't getting close to the next dose he was doing pretty well though.

He is surprisingly optimistic about the whole thing.  I'll ask how he's doing and he usually says, "somewhat good" or "a little good" or "mostly good".  So I'll then check his temperature and he'll have a fever and I'm not sure why he doesn't say, "a bit bad," because that's what I would be saying.

We finally opened the paper that came with the easel we got when Isaac was born.

He has been taking a nap every day, but doesn't seem overly sleepy.

Joshua and I made factories.  A ketchup factory, a leaf factory (the leaves drop down and have to walk to the bowl, where they become salad), a cheese factory, and ice factory (not pictured).  He had previously made a milk machine (on the left).

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