Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday: a sick stick

Joshua was still running a fever today.  However, once the medicine kicked in he was always back to his normal self.  I really have no idea what is wrong with him, because even when the fever has been up he's still been hungry.

I was singing a nonsense song today about sticks climbing up a clock and Joshua was suddenly like, "Mom!  Do you want to see me be a stick?"  Of course I did.  He explained the different elements to being a stick...eyes closed, hands at your sides, and feet together.

I am also rather sick, but with something different.  Allergies perhaps?  A spring cold?  Either way, my nose is plugged or running (annoying either way) and the medicine I've been trying doesn't seem to be touching it.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Oh no! What is up with all this spring sickness?! I have Ethan home with a fever and headache this morning. He said a lot of his classmates were home sick yesterday. Hope you are all better soon!