Monday, July 16, 2018

Monday: playdate

This morning was a bit rough.  Isaac was in a mood and refused to go to the library.  I told him 'too bad, you have to go.  Please get dressed.'  He said he wouldn't get dressed.  I told him that was fine, but that there would be he would have to take a nap during rest time.  (He really did seem so tired and I think it's been a busy week for him.)  Anyway, he got dressed.  He continued to be sullen until Joshua fell on the pavement and big brother mode kicked in. :D  That snapped him out of it.

He also had a playdate with one of his friends from school.  They played 'CodeMasters' for an hour and a half, running all over the place, getting cards, leveling up, and slaying dragons with rainbow swords.

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