Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday: well, I made it

Ugh.  Well, I made it through the day.

The morning wasn't too bad, although Isaac had an annoying two-hour delay.  I had some meetings at work and so couldn't just stay home, so Isaac came with me.  He did fine, but bringing him back to school ate up a half hour of my precious grading time.

I picked up Joshua and we did a quick stop at the fabric store.  We were supposed to go to the grocery store too, but I only had one errand in me.

I felt rather rotten at home, but luckily Joshua was happy to work on the puzzle we have out for a while.  After I woke up from my nap I had a fever.  Not too high, but still there.  So due to illness coupled with the fact that I can barely talk I canceled my classes for tomorrow.  I felt weird doing that, but there is an extra Tuesday/Thursday in the spring semester and so I have the time.  It just means that the day before spring break will be an actual learning day instead of a 'come for extra credit' day.

Oh, I also snow-blowed the driveway.  Neither the snow blower nor I was happy about it though.  I just didn't want to be doing it, and the snow was very wet and very heavy and so the snow blower complained too.  The plow had come through though, and I really, really didn't want it to freeze at the end of the driveway.  We need to wait until the end of winter to get a big bump there.

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