Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday: Stu Visser trails

Joshua is very happy to take hikes with me if we take the stroller.  I know he's a bit old for the stroller, but it is also worth it to have an enjoyable time.  Since there are only about two trails in the area that accommodate strollers, I've decided to look for more. 

Of course, there are some.  One is much closer than the other two too.  We went to visit it today.

A bridge.

All of the trails ended in water over the trail.  Next time we need to go when it is drier or take some boots.  I don't think it was more than an inch or two deep, but that is more than I wanted to walk through.

There was a tree over the path.  Joshua ducked to make sure his head wouldn't hit it.

We put some leaves in the river and watched them float away.

We played with the pond scum a bit too.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

Love the ducking picture!