Monday, June 6, 2022

Monday: quilting

Most quilting things don't get posted to this blog, but the random picture of the day was late at night, when I'm quilting.

I'm currently making a bunch of half-square triangles (HSTs).  I think it's a dumb name, because it makes it sound like your base block is a triangle instead of a square.  Perhaps triangle in a half square would be better?  I'm not really sure and I really have no power to change it.

I have about half of them made that I'll need.  I've been trading out cutting the squares, sewing them together, cutting and pressing the HSTs, and trimming.  It's been nice because I don't get too sick of doing one thing over and over.

Oh!  As I was looking at my pictures I also found some of Joshua's work that I found funny.  I feel like he really got stuck in a loop while sounding out museum.

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