Sunday, August 28, 2022

vacation Monday (Aug 15): day at sea

 Today was a day at sea. We didn’t think any of the planned activities were all that interesting, so we just
took it easy. We did a lot of reading, played some games, watched a movie, and ate a lot of food. The
food was all good today. The best thing was a special dark chocolate and lime dessert. There were also
some hazelnuts for crunch.

The weather was foggy. The captain said the fog would leave by noon, but it came and went all day. I
also thought I saw a whale spout and perhaps a flick of a tale, but my guess is that it’s only a 30% chance
that I actually saw it. I’ll give it a strong maybe, and there was a lot of excitement on my end.

These signs kept showing up on the smart screens, but dinner tonight was the first time I was actually able to get a picture with one.  Usually I just saw them out of the corner of my eye or they didn't come up when I was ready to get a picture.

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