Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday: corn maze, apple picking, Castle Panic

This morning we went to the corn maze and apple picking with Aunt C.  It was a beautiful day.  The kids were super excited in the corn maze and doing a great job with taking turns picking a direction...but then above the truck we got lost.  We went round and round until I finally pulled out my phone help us.  Joshua was flagging a bit by the time we actually escaped part one.  Part two went much faster.  Isaac was the main leader, and we examined the picture of the maze better before we went in.  We still got a little stuck in the bottom right section, but once we looked at a picture again we were able to figure out where we were and how to escape.

In the upper peninsula:

Isaac leading the way:

We picked some apples afterwards.  As always, it's easy to get a lot of apples.  Joshua was very vocal about Empire apples being his favorite, but he saw the variety and immediately knew.  (It was a very good apple).  However, I'm also not sure if he remembered from last year or if he just liked the name because of Star Wars.

In the afternoon we played a game called Castle Panic.  It isn't my favorite game, but it was Joshua's turn to pick.  Our castle was almost destroyed when a fortuitous boulder rolled through the middle of our broken castle and killed a bunch of monsters that were about to finish destroying our castle.  At one point after that we had a single castle section and a wall protecting it on one of six sides, which looked a bit ridiculous.  We won in the end with one castle tower and one random wall remaining.