Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thursday: back home

Today was a normal day again.  We got home a bit later than I was hoping, but not absurdly late last night.  I got several things ready for an early morning and then we went to bed.  I still wasn't feeling great today, but I'm not feeling terrible either.  Luckily, it was an easy teaching day.  There was a lot of other stuff to do though, so the day went quickly.

The weather was weird.  It was a snow/sleet mix.  The roads weren't bad, but they weren't getting plowed very quickly either.  I think because of the freezing that will happen overnight the kids have a snow day tomorrow!  It was only supposed to be a half day, so it isn't a huge change.  (Although there was one thing that I was hoping Isaac would bring home to work on over the weekend to make up some work.  I guess he'll have to work on it next week.)

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