Saturday, March 18, 2023

Saturday: life

Joshua had made leprechaun traps at school on Thursday.  Friday they all shrunk into hats.  I'm not sure how the teacher did it, but it was cool.

Tornado enjoyed a short ride with Ben today.

We were going to see some friends for dinner and we were in charge of fruit.  I decided we'd bring assorted apple types.  But I didn't have a good divider plate; so I made a divider out of Lego.  I was rather proud of it, even though it was really pretty easy.

Isaac took his PATH math assessment this morning.  The instructions for proctoring it could have been a little better, but Isaac persevered and finished.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Looks like the hats are Shrinky Dinks! My mom used to do this with her class back when she was a teacher 😊