Saturday, November 25, 2023

Saturday: another good day

 Today was just a nice day.  We finished up most of the Christmas decorations, I brought Isaac rock climbing, and did some work.

Let's see...I needed to do some grading because I was rather behind.  However, one of my graders had already graded about half of what I thought I needed to do (because it had been turned in late) and it was amazing.  I did it while Isaac was rock climbing, but was also able to belay him on a few courses and help out with some take-aways.

We mostly finished putting up the Christmas decorations.  I think there's still a few stragglers, but just a few small items.  Everything also needs to be put away.  Between empty boxes and taking apart Legos the main area has been a bit of a disaster lately, but it is starting to get better.  The house is fun.  I ordered some new lights this year so that all the house lights matched.  And I splurged and got special white/color LED lights and it has been so much fun.  First of all, there's are different colors and they can fade in and out and we've been having a fun time trying out the different schemes.  Secondly, the lights are about five times as long as the old light strings and so the whole house is covered with lights!  I knew they'd be longer, but I was expecting about twice as long.  Thirdly, the kids can do some of the stuff themselves.  Joshua put up some outdoor lights and Isaac did the downstairs lights and they both look great.  I'll get some pictures within a few days.

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