Sunday, January 14, 2024

Saturday: shoveling water 3, dishwasher

 We got a fair amount of snow over night and a very small amount during the day today.  I think we've gotten more since nightfall, but it's hard to tell how much.

Last night I went outside only to hear the drip-drip-drip of melting snow.  It was beautiful because it was so wet, but seriously?  It was the middle of the night!

I snow-blowed today and it only went ok.  The end of the driveway, where the plow had come through, was half slush, again.  The snow blower doesn't like slush.  I got some of it, but had to spend quite a while shoveling by hand.  I finally called it good enough since I figured I'd need to deal with it again soon.


Yesterday I put dishwasher detergent in the dishwasher and was surprised that it was white.  Last time I put it in the color was blue...and then I remembered being a little surprised that time too because I thought it was supposed to be white.  I thought about it for a little bit.  Did I actually put dish soap in?  No.  That would have been obvious.  Could it have been a dream?  Yeah, that's plausible.  Let's call it a dream.  Then I opened up the other side of the cabinet to throw away some trash and found another container of detergent...and it was blue.  Well, at least the mystery was solved.

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