Monday, March 4, 2024

vacation Monday: travel home

Today we traveled home.  Everything went really smoothly.  Well, I guess Isaac and I had the traveling grumps on the way home, but we all survived that.  I was so tired again when we got home.  I usually don't have the same stress coming home from vacation that I do leaving for vacation, but oh, I was so tired.  I think I went to bed 2.5 hours early and was asleep two hours early.

We had a few hours in the morning before we had to leave.

Isaac jumped in the pool so Creeper could see a water explosion. 

Joshua played Tic-Tac-Toe with Grandpa.  They also took another Vespa ride.

I was a Mom-pillow on the way to the airport.  Turns out that the kids really like using me for a pillow and were a bit sad when there were only four of us in the car and I sat in the front.

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