Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thrusday: we're sort of ready

Well, we're sort of ready to leave on vacation tomorrow. The problem? Ben hasn't been feeling well this week and finally had a doctor's appt today. They told him to come back tomorrow when they'll have the results of some of the blood/urine work done. If there are problems...we might not get to leave when we expected to. Ben has said he is starting to feel a little better, so hopefully tomorrow will be even better and the doctor will give us the ok to leave.

Today was a bit better work wise. It was nice. It may have helped that I worked about an hour less than normal. Only two people in my department on my project are in tomorrow (out of six) and I'm hoping to leave early. Since things are rather slow though, I don't foresee this being a problem.


Cheryl said...

Oh, I hope Ben is feeling better. For his sake and also so you can leave as planned.



Anonymous said...

Let us know how he is doing and what the Doctor says.