Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday: work and texts

Wednesday was a really good day at work. I had something to do pretty much the whole day. Today, however, was much slower. I'm wondering if part of it is because I'm only at a given place for part of the one can give me anything that is really time sensitive. I am considering exploring the option of working a half day at one place and a half at the other. Traveling would be a little more annoying, but maybe I could get a little more work. The thing is that I'm not sure if there is more work and if my idea would really make a difference. All that I want (right now) is to know what I'm doing the next day and know that it is enough to keep me busy. Or mostly busy. Oh well. I still have a job. (Speaking of which, layoffs will now be announced mid-July).

Now for the funny part of the post. This actually happened a while ago, but shows my incompetence with text messaging. Someone asked "When is Ben's birthday?"

This is how far I got before I accidentally pushed send (and then cancel) while I was trying to find a "2".

Since that didn't work at all, I thought I would try spelling twenty six. That word turned out to be too long.

I ended up with an e-mail. I still haven't figured out numbers, so please don't text me a question that requires a big number answer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe that person was just trying to give you something to keep you busy at work :P