Saturday, May 11, 2019

Friday: hilarity

The boys were in rare form this afternoon.

Joshua moved all our animal magnets to one side of the fridge and then had me guess which one he was choosing to move to the other side.  I usually got a clue.  He would then classify it as a good animal or a bad one.

Joshua: ok, what animal am I moving?
Amanda: uh, can I have a clue?
J: It's a bad guy
A: shark!
J: no
A: tiger!
J: no, you lose.  It's a whale
A: A whale isn't a bad guy.
J: oh, ok.  What am I moving now?  It's a bad guy.
(Amanda has two guesses.)
J: Nope, it's a wolf.
A: That's not a wolf, it's a dog!
J: Nope, it's a wolf.
A: oh
J: ok, next one.  It starts with a Rrrr
A: Rhino
J: no
Isaac: Rabbit
J: no.  you loose.  Lion.

I did get some of them.  (Squid) But mostly I didn't get them.  Some because Joshua gave me the wrong starting sound, some because I just couldn't remember what we had, and some because he classified the animal as something else.  (A weird lizard was a frog and a tapir was a rhino.)

Then Isaac came out of the bathroom. 

I:Mom!  Look!  My body can make a "Y" and some other letters
A: Cool.  Can you make an I?
I: yes.  My head is the dot.
A: can you make a capital I?
I: yes.
J: me too!

I have no doubt in my mind that they thought they looked just like I's.

They did a few more and it got worse and worse.  Joshua was doing a Z but his legs were going in different directions.  They tried to make Os, but bodies don't really bend like that.

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