Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday: vaccines and holes

Vaccines: Ben got his second vaccine today!  He almost didn't get it because Joshua got a cold this past weekend and gave it to Isaac and Ben.  Since runny nose is on some lists as a COVID symptom, including Ben's employer, they went to get tested yesterday.  The results were supposed to come back in 24 hours, but it was 24 hours and nine minutes.  I know, I know...that nine minutes shouldn't be a big deal.  But Ben couldn't get his vaccine until we heard back and the babysitter was on standby until we got the results.  It was annoying.  Not really annoying for anyone else, but annoying for us.  But they came back in time, the babysitter came over, and Ben was able to get his shot.

In other vaccine news, I'm considered fully vaccinated now!

Holes: Isaac announced after dinner that my new laundry basket has 236 [side] holes.  Then he mentioned that it's really 238 holes because of the hand holds.  So I naturally thought it should be 239 because of the top hole.  Isaac disagreed.  I think Ben disagreed too.  I stand by my assertion though.  Hmm...it's my basket, maybe I should label it.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

Conver the top hole, and tell the boys they need to put their clothes in from the side holes. I'll bet they'll agree the top is a hole! 😁