Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday: feeling better

Well, I did end up with a fever last night.  It's much nicer having a fever when there's someone to get you some medicine.  And it's super awesome to feel better again.  I love feeling normal.  I can think thoughts, I actually want to do things, and I can put forth more than the minimum effort.

Joshua was a little cranky today.  Isaac was a little non-listeny.  But we survived.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday: Friday night fever

I feel sick again.  Like a fever is coming on, but we'll see what happens.  There was a fever last Friday.  What a silly body.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday: early morning

Thursday is our early morning day.  Joshua woke up a few minutes earlier than I was hoping, but it worked out well too...Tuesday I had to wake him up and he didn't open his eyes until I was almost done getting him dressed.

However the 8am class only took about 20 minutes today, so that was pretty awesome.  It gave me some extra time to get on top of things.  The rest of the day went pretty well.

Joshua's favorite song is Row Row Row your Boat.  He often does a little dance to it and says "row row" to get you to sing it again.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday: dinner

Joshua helped make dinner tonight.  He loves the step stool.  We might end up with two in the kitchen soon...

It's a good thing that the salt just ran out (after 10 years) or we might have had a rather salty meal.  He loved trying to put salt in the pot.

Isaac asked what we were having and responded with hesitation..."I don't think I'll like it."  I asked him just to try it.  The recipe suggests letting kids sprinkle on their own sesame seeds...I really think it did the trick.  Isaac came back for 4 helpings.  And loved sprinkling on the seeds each time.  (Ben liked it; I thought it was ok.  We'll probably do it again as it wasn't too hard and Isaac really liked it.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday: back to school!

We all went back to school today!  A slightly odd thing to say as all the local schools were closed today.

Isaac did well.  It's L week and he was excited to have some licorice.  Nothing really changed for him so things happened as expected.

I did well.  I have a full (very full) class for business computing.  The first day always feels like I talk a lot and it is an information dump.  But it went fine.  There were also some lab orientations...they went fine.  The first time through is the hardest because I don't really know what is coming up and what is important.  I'm looking forward to something new though.

Joshua did very well.  He was in a new room today.  I was expecting it to go well, but it went super well.  He took right off when we arrived.  They said it was like he had been there for months.  The only problem was when they took his lovie away.  He dropped it after nap but he saw them pick it up and apparently gave quite a scolding to the teacher.  When I came to pick him up he barely acknowledged me but instead started running around like a maniac trying to have one last play on all the toys.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday: tableware

While Isaac and I were making dinner, Joshua was setting the floor.

Isn't it interesting how each bowl has one spoon?

Sunday, January 10, 2016