Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday: relaxation and rehersal

So I did have a wonderfully relaxing day. I read, slept, watched a movie, and did a little computer stuff. Oh, and took a shower. It was wonderful.

Betsy's rehersal was tonight. Dinner was good and we all laughed at some of their tales during dating. Then I was the picture person during the rehearsal...I took lots of pictures, so hopefully some of them turn out ok.

Thursday: the rest of the trip

The rest of the trip was also wonderful. I landed in Detroit a half hour early. Early! Can you believe it?!? I took a leisurely walk through the physodellic(sp?) tunnel, being happy the whole way through that was wasn't running, dodging people, about to throw up, etc. I think that place is the place I most regularly realize that I'm out of shape.

I saw someone waiting at my gate that looked like Nathan. I looked again, yeah, looks like him but he wouldn't be here. Well, maybe I should look from a different angle just in case. I saw a gold chain around his neck and again said, no, it isn't him. But every time I looked that way I had to do a double take. And then again when we were getting the luggage. It was a little sad that it wasn't actually Nathan.

It's kind of nice doing something by myself because I remember that I can do big stuff by myself, but I was also really missing Ben. I felt like I was missing something the whole time I was flying and I think it was him.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday: Michigan

So I'm flying to Michigan today. Not only did the plane get here on time, but they are starting to board early. Here's hoping for a smooth flight!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday: almost done!

I only have one more day of work this week! Woot! Then I'm flying to Michigan for Besty's wedding. I'm looking forward to work and no chores. Although also no Ben. :(

Today was another long day at work, although I do feel like I got a lot done. And I don't think I'll have to take any vacation hours since I'll have 40+ hours in by the time I leave tomorrow.

Ben made a new recipe today...lemon Parmesan chicken. It was really good.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday: bleh

Today was a bleh kind of day.

But here's a cute picture from yesterday

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday: superbowl

Today we watched the superbowl with Dusty and Laura. None of us really had a team we were rooting for, so we kind of ended up rooting for the Cardinals because they were the underdogs. However, we will all be happier at work tomorrow because there are tons of Steelers fans around here.

I think my favorite commercial was the Doritos' crystal ball. The tires on the moon car was second.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday: pictures

I notice that I do really well posting pictures for a while and then do really poorly for a while. Anyway, here is Ben and his chair.And here is Flurry in her box.