Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday: date

Ben and I had a date after work...we went to IHOP and then to see The Blind Side. A very enjoyable evening. Unfortunately, as we were leaving the movie theater the headache that had been threatening all day sort of exploded. :(

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday: Travis

Travis came to visit us tonight! Yay!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday: syrup

Every time Ben and I have sausage with a breakfast food (pancakes, waffles, etc), we always have a discussion about whether or not syrup is good with sausage or not. I always say "YES!" Ben always says "YUCK!" Hence the survey on the side.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


This morning we woke up to a beautiful snowfall.

The quilt is finished!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday: snow piles

This morning we finished shoveling. This is a better picture to see how high the drifts were.

Here is the awesome snow pile we shoveled.

And here I am on top of the snow pile!

Saturday1: healer damage

I was healing an instance and two of the dps were so bad that I out-dpsed them on several pulls.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday: snowed in

Today I got up, looked outside with sleep still in my eyes, and said, "The roads are clear. We can shovel and go to work." I get outside, take a look, and quickly change my mind. There was a drift at the end of our driveway that was 3.5' tall. Most of the driveway had at least 1.5' of snow. Ben and I went back inside, hoping that it would blow away. (It didn't. We've shoveled just enough to get out with the car in case of emergency.)

The benefit of working from home, besides not getting cranky shoveling, was that Flurry kept coming to sit in my lap. That was very nice.