Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friday: corporate training videos

Today I did some of my corporate training. I understand why we need to do it. But what really makes me mad is when we are asked vague questions during the training and then told that the answer is wrong. Here are my examples:

1. You have found a problem. What do you do next?
A. Gather more information
B. Take action.

2. You have found a problem. What do you do?
A. Tell your manager immediately.
B. Validate the facts and then tell the customer within a few days.
C. Nothing.

3. You have a harassment problem with the person in the cube next to you. What do you do first?
A. Talk to the person
B. Tell your manager
C. Tell HR
D. Nothing.

1. The answer is A. I would like to point out that gathering information is taking action. I got it wrong twice. (the question was posed in two different locations.)
2. The answer is A. I think B is an additional correct answer.
3. The answer is B. When you click on A it says "You talk to the person and they are unresponsive. Try a better answer." This answer bothers me because talking to the person is what they did first! It isn't my fault that the person is unresponsive. The question didn't ask what I would do if the person ignores what I say.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday: twitter

Tonight I visited for the first time. Ever. I'm part of the dark ages. But I wanted real-time updates on So You Think You Can Dance and it seemed like the best place to get it. It worked rather well. Alex is gone due to an injury, but it sounds like he'll be back next year.

We went to see IronMan 2 after work because it was rather hot out to be in the house. It was good. The middle was a little long, but I enjoyed the end. I was sad that the robot didn't play a larger role.

This afternoon I spent about 2 hours measuring the thickness of some panels. It was a riot, let me tell you. Oh, and then I wrapped the panels in foam. But that's not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about Verniers. (It's a way to precisely measure something.) The first time I used a Vernier was in general physics lab. It's kind of cool - I like lining up the lines. But I think it takes way too long to read. Today I had to read 0.0 + .075 + .008 + .0001. Sure, I can do that math in my head but it takes just that split second longer. Oh, and I had to move the whole panel around to see the .0001, so that definitely took longer.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday: owie

So after bush whacking yesterday I found a scratch my finger. There also looked like there might have been something in the scratch. After Ben's sliver infection fiasco I did the obvious thing. I looked at it under a microscope.

The thing that looked like a sliver was just dirt in a line. Phew.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday: bushwacking

Our Bible Study helped out at the church today by removing a small jungle and painting the front awning. It was hot, but we finished in the right amount of time and it looks a lot better!



Tuesday: hahaha

Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday: how I woke up

8:45:00 am: casually turn my head to see what time it is.
8:45:02am: jump out of bed
8:45:03am: wonder where the files are
8:45:04am: wonder what exactly is going on
8:45:05am: try to remember if it was a dream
8:45:10am: figure it must have been from a dream - at least, it better be because otherwise the files won't be transferred and we'll be in deep trouble.
8:45:15am: decided to get up because I'm already out of bed and have a ton of adrenaline pumping through me.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday: today

Today was a very nice day. I went to bed (rather late). I got up. I had a donut. And Spice Tea. Yum. We went to church. We made lots of plans after church. We went to Home Depot and bought oil. We went home. I sent a ton of email based on the plans that had been made. I ate lunch. I quilted and watched TV. I talked to Dad. I PvPed.