Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday: movie!

For Month at The Museum, I need to make a movie. I never before realized how hard it is to put everything you want to say into one minute AND make it creative at the same time. It gives me a new respect for advertisement designers.

Anyway, here is the first movie I've ever put together. It was actually surprisingly easy. I know it's not a great movie, but I was having fun figuring out how to put the different components together.

It features my wonderful cat Flurry and her love of water.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday: organized

When I'm asked to describe myself, one of the adjectives that I usually use is organized. These skills came in useful once again this afternoon. I discovered that three cables that need to start being built tomorrow but weren't on the list. Then while looking at the list I realized that two of the planned cables needed some changes made before they could be started. So I quickly did the half dozen tasks that are required to change a single wire.

Disaster averted!!

Business meeting

To those of you who recently had a business meeting (you know who you are):

Sending a card to someone you didn't invite to the meeting that says "We're sorry you couldn't make it" shows complete disrespect for my inherited office of Treasurer.

I expect a formal invite to the next business meeting.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday: fruit flies

Today we seemed to have a lot of fruit flies in the office. They're annoying, but not too bad. I just hope that we get them under control before there are too many of them.

In case you're wondering, I just read that the life cycle of a fruit fly is about a week. Great news for us! The bad news is that they can lay up to 500 eggs during that time. At that rate we'll be over come with fruit flies rather quickly.

Stay tuned to find out what happens!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday: month in a museum?

Ben told me this morning that the Chicago Museum of Science and Technology is going to host someone in their museum for a month. The person would live there (all day and all night) for a month.

I'm very seriously thinking of applying. How much fun would that be! I love science museums. I could sleep in the train. I could sleep on a ship. I could check out all the bathrooms and figure out which one is the best. I could watch all the movies that no one ever watches because there isn't enough time. I could watch them twice.

So while I sit here, trying to think of three words that describe me and reaching for the thesaurus, you can help me too! Which of my blog posts do you like the most? Or, at the very least, which of the blog posts do you remember? I know there are a few that have stood out for me, but I'm curious if any have stood out for you.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday: TV shows

Following in Lisa's steps, I listed the TV shows that Ben and I have watched (or are in the middle of watching) since we started Netflix.

Big Bang Theory - five stars (hits oddly close to home sometimes)
How I Met Your Mother - four stars
The Office - five stars
Battlestar Galactica - five stars
Firefly - six stars (<3 <3 <3)
Arrested Development - three stars - it's on instant view
Dexter - three point five stars - season two wasn't so good, but we've heard season three gets better
Scrubs - five stars
24 - four stars
That 70s Show - five stars
Red Dwarf - zero stars - we barely made it through one episode

So now we need your help - what other good TV shows are out there that we've missed

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday was a fairly normal Sunday today. Ben played drums and I did some errands during the off service. Then we had a church picnic. There was a tent and nice breeze so it wasn't too hot, but it was still hot. We didn't stay long because we had already been at church for a while and I was getting tired.

I also did some chores, watched some TV, and worked on a quilt. Oh! and I talked to Nathan on googlechat! I couldn't get my video to work most of the time, but the voice worked pretty well.