Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday: Flurry

Flurry has taken to sitting in the sink a lot more lately. I guess it doesn't
T surprise me much...if I we ere a cat it seems like it would be comfortable and cool.

Not much else today...we went out for dinner with some people from church and that was fun.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Craft time

The craft: a small, light weight camera case
Time: about 10 minutes, not including finding everything.

You start with a rectangle.

Then you sew it almost in half, spray it with water proofer, and add Velcro. Wah-la! (Although if I ever make one again I'd put the velcro on first.)


I think I got it to work! Here is what I see most nights when I go to bed...A very sad Flurry. the water just got turned off.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday: hello world

Well, I was trying to upload some pictures onto the iPad but it is going to take a little more effort than what I want to do tonight. i got the pictures onto the iPad but now I need to get them onto the internet.

Not much else happened today. Work was work. I started taking out the French empire in Civ. Quilted.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday: life details

This morning I wore my new duck socks. Aren't they cute? Quack quack.

Hmm...I thought I had a bunch of other little observations from the day but I don't remember them now. Oh, I'm working on world domination in a Civilization game - I'm taken over 3 empires and have 3 or 4 remaining.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday: speed meeting

Today I went to a women's event at the church called speed meeting. It's like speed dating, except that it's more of just a get-to-know people thing. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. We talked with people for three minutes, and the time flew by. I was always surprised when the buzzer went off. And it was a great way to see people...both the ones I knew and the ones I was meeting for the first time.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday: more ups and downs

Well, most of the day was fine today...normal work stuff. And then I got to the end. First of all, my program isn't working (and when I'm doing the comparisons the data types do match). Then something else happened. Needless to say, I went home in a pretty bad mood. I also found out I'm not a semi-finalist. Not surprising, but still a little disappointing.

However, I did manage to sufficiently distract myself tonight, so I'm feeling better now. And I had some spice tea. That always makes life better.

Oh! I did have one interesting thing today. I was in a meeting with five people, including myself. Three of them were named John. It was weird. I also stuffed the vent in my office a few days ago, so now when the AC turns on I'm not freezing cold.