Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday: this and that

Flurry's been super helpful the last few days. Unfortuantly, it means she's always sitting on something I need to move.

I may also start calling donuts "homeomorphic toroidal polyhedrons".
We also did some winterizing today. It was actually pretty nice out. However, that meant the gnats were out too and that was rather annoying.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday: yay Friday

Phew, I made it through Friday. It felt like a rather long week even though I had Monday off. I'm not really sure why...everything was pretty normal.

I had lunch with Jess and that was fun as always. And I didn't have to go back to work, so that was great. Ben and I got takeout Chinese for supper. They always give us a ton of food which is awesome. They also have really good Tupperware stuff that they put the food in. We're slowly making a collection. Reduce Reuse Recycle!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

1. Did you have a pen pal when you were little (or now)? Where were/are they from?
Sort of. I was pen pals with some friends that I didn't see very often. They probably weren't more than 20 minutes away.

2. If you could do a different job for one day, what would it be?
Astronaut. Of course. It would have to be a day in space though...none of this Earth stuff.

3. Do you remember your biggest fear from when you were little?
That my parents would die. I guess one survives.

4. What do you think is a waste of time? Why?
There is this program at work that has a bunch of "red tape". I hear that it is significantly faster than the old system. But there are all these things to fill in that need to be filled in all the time. The same things over and over. Boring.

5. What is the oldest item you have in your closet?
My bridal veil. It was my mom's.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday: patience

Today was annoying. Nothing especially bad was actually a pretty normal day. I'm just in a mood I guess. I want to know what is going to happen in the future and (obviously) don't.

In other news, I caught up on some Glee episodes tonight. While I'm not a fan of Brittany's character, she does have some hilarious one-liners.

In other other news, I also was given a shirt at work. It has a scary looking patch and is one-size too big. But the patch could be a funny talking topic, so I still might wear it.


Well, here is the first post in my semi-secret blog that won't be put up for a while. As long as I can remember to push "save" instead of "publish."

I started taking prenatal vitamins a few days ago. I know, in the whole progression to have a child it is a rather minor step without much commitment. But since I've started them I feel like I've been remembering my dreams so much better. I also was able to take a lot of naps the last few days, so I guess we'll see if it is just a coincidence.

My other dreams are bigger. There's still some unknowns with work and where we will be in a few months. Usually I try to forget about it, but the last few days it's been harder. My dreams include staying around here and having a kid, but I also have to remember that those might not be God's dreams for me. It is rather annoying sometimes.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday: sleep

Dad went home today. :( He took the early flight out, so I was at work by 5:30am. However, I got to leave early also, so I was able to take a wonderful nap.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday: park and bagels

This morning Dad and I fixed the shower drain. It went rather easily, which was awesome. All we had to do was add some caulk.

Then we went to Hickories Park and walked around a bit. It was cool, but nice. I hadn't realized how large that park actually is. Normally I stop near the front entrance.

We came home and made chain linked bagels. Dad's (on the left) turned out better than mine.

However, they are rather hard to toast like that. :) Mine ended up in a bunch of little pieces.