For not being a busy day, a lot sure did happen for me to tell you about.
I ate a yogurt for breakfast. Flurry's reaction in the movie is why I usually eat breakfast at work. I tried to make it a little shorter than it actually was, but I think it is still too long. Oh well. You'll get the idea quickly.
One of our smoke detectors is beeping. It has been since we got home. It beeps twice about every three hours. After we finally figured out which one it was I put a new battery in...and it is still beeping. Hmm.
I played a lot of warcraft today. Yesterday I saved some cute squirrels and rabbits and injured fawns. Today I impaled baby bears on the tops of pine trees. Then I realized what I was doing (the horror!) and instead threw them into the trampoline so that the could live another day.
It was also second Christmas today. Second Christmas is when we actually get out the stuff we got for Christmas and put it in usable places. And it's fun to rediscover what we were given. Here's Flurry staring down her will have cat grass in it in a few days.