Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Various days: pictures

Well, I had meant to put this picture on before but forgot.

AAHH!! The Christmas monster is going to get Nathan and Liz.

It was Ben's Dad's birthday yesterday. We went out for a delicious dinner. I had perch almondine and it was amazing. Then ice cream pie with a special chocolate sauce. yum. well, I only have a good picture of Ben.

finally, I made my own donuts. They turned out rather well, although they made me rather thirsty.


Anonymous said...

Those look awesome. How tough were they to make?


Amanda said...

They weren't too bad with the donut maker. I would say about the same as an easy homemade cookie.

What I'm really curious to see is whether or not the batter freezes well. It'd be nice to be able to have only two donuts at a time instead of 15.