Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday: church and play toy

We went to church again today, and sat in the cafe area.  Ben and I both caught only about half the service because other people don't have to be quiet out there.  (But neither does Isaac.)  Oh well.  I think it is still good practice.  We also got the baptism video.  I'm trying to convert, trim, and upload it to YouTube but it is taking a long time.  Maybe it will be tomorrow's goal.  Along with getting groceries.

I also put together a play toy thingy.  The problem this play toy has is that it forgot that babies have feet.  So if I set it over him the correct way (so that he can see the mirror and the toys hang down), his feet bump into the green thing and he is too far away from the toys.  After a while I took the green thing out (which was easier than expected).  It can go in later if we change our minds.

Even before I took the green thing out, Isaac really seemed to enjoy it.

He even managed to hit all the hanging things with his hands.  Although I'm not sure if it was ever on purpose or if he was just flailing and then hit them.  (In the photo below his hand is blurry so you can tell it is moving by the toy.)

Saturday: grumpy

Isaac was grumpy today. At least he slept a lot too.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday: six weeks

Today Isaac turned six weeks old!

We went to Target in the morning with my dad to pick up the last of the items on the registry. I was not impressed. They had no cribs out to buy. When we found someone, she said that there weren't any in the back either. She suggested getting it online, since the registry I printed out said it was available online. I asked customer service if there was going to be a shipping charge and they couldn't tell me. (so obviously I couldn't get it waived if there was...that was one of the reasons we went with a crib at Target). I get home and look it up, only to find out that it is only available in stores. I called customer support because my coupon was good only for one day, and they were no help. Dad ended up going to a target closish to his house to get it. (In comparison, I was having problems with the Toys r Us coupon code, called customer support, and two minutes later had a better coupon code.)

Anyway, back to Isaac. He started crying when we left Target and when we got home I found he was overheated. So I put him on the quilt to cool down, and he became a very happy boy, even with a few smiles. (Ben and I have both thought we've seen some, and then Dad agreed.). So, we of course took lots of pictures.

He looks like he has a halo!

Getting more animal tails.

So he could meet the monkey.

And bite his nose

We played Dominion with Tony and Christian. We managed to still get two games in, even though both boys needed more attention. At least they actually saw each other awake this time. They're making progress as friends.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Thursday: flurry's new perch

Flurry has found a new favorite location. There is a waist high uh...bannister? by the stairs going to the basement. She can walk back and forth on it and see everything that everyone is doing.

In other news, Isaac has gone to bed easily two nights in a row. I probably just jinxed it. But it was awesome.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday: decipus

This afternoon, in the middle of a bunch of crying, I thought I'd see if Isaac's diaper needed to be changed. I got him on the changing table with his diaper off and noticed he was enthralled with my shadow on the wall. After putting a wipe over him to contain any mess, I made a shadow dog. I quickly realized how limited my shadow puppet knowledge is.

Next I made rabbit ears. Then a decipus. (like an octopus, but with all ten fingers.). When Isaac felt like it, he provided the seaweed for the decipus to eat. (you can see the start of one the picture.)

Isaac was also visited by Haroldette the mouse, daughter of Harold and Haroldina. That went over well also.

After the diaper went back on, Isaac continued to be rather fussy the rest of the evening. (not the whole time, but not his easy-going daytime self either.) I tried to get Flurry to deal with him at one point. She looked at him, he hit her twice, and she left disgustedly. He did go to bed tonight very easily though, so it might have been worth it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday: a conundrum

This morning I was going to quickly vacuum the master bath because Flurry made a mess initial while she was stuck there. However, the motor sounded terrible! So I took the vacuum apart so I could look at the motor.

It was full of dirt and cat hair. But here is the conundrum: how do you vacuum the dirt from your only vacuum?

(Isaac was no help in solving that question)

I ended up taking a lot of clumps out by hand. Then I turned on the vacuum to see if it sounded better, and dust flew everywhere! Not really what I wanted, but it did help clean the vacuum.

Isaac was rather fussy in the late afternoon and evening. We moved some clothes out of boxes during this time. It may not have emptied the boxes quickly, but at least there was some progress. The picture looks uncomfortable, but it was the only way he'd be quiet.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday: getting up

Sometimes I think Isaac mainly gets me up because he has to poop. He might snack, but the main event is the poop.