Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday: story time

Today we went to story time at the library.  We've gone a few times, but this is the first time that Isaac seemed to interact a little bit.  Or maybe he just liked looking at other babies.  He still does not like things on his of the songs involved covering his eyes for a peek-a-boo, but it took too long between the cover and the reveal and he was able to yank my hands off.

edit: oh bother, I actually had an interesting topic for today.  Luckily it's a general topic so you can get it again later.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday: dinner

Ben and I brought dinner to a couple that just had a baby tonight.  It worked well because the baby was not having a happy afternoon, so the parents would not have had much time to make dinner.  The baby is so's amazing how much Isaac has grown in the last eight months.

And Isaac was super cute.  As almost always.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday: quilt

Today I finished my Tetris quilt.  I've been working hard to get it done by was really a little bit too fast of a pace for me.  I should have done the quilting differently or ignored the "deadline."  I needed about three or four more days for it to be a comfortable pace.

Anyway, Isaac wanted to help a lot today.  I had it spread out to tie off the thread ends and get the lint off and he kept getting in the way.  A lot like Flurry always does, but at least Isaac doesn't shed.

(You can see more pictures here if you're really interested.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday: hmm

Hmm...I thought I had a subject to post about today, but I don't remember what it was.  We were getting ready for church this morning when we realized it was actually at 10am for a special service and that we missed it.  Then we went to Arby's for breakfast only to find out they have stopped serving breakfast.

I probably should have gone to bed a while ago.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday: inch worm

Isaac finally let me tape him crawling.  Or inch worming, as I like to call it.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thursday: digital read outs

In this day and age of technology, I would like more than an instruction manual for babies. I would like some digital read outs. The most important being how long the baby is going to sleep for before (s)he wakes up.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday: light switch

A light switch turned on in Isaac's head over the last two days.  If you'll recall, on Monday we were excited that Isaac crawled a foot.  And that foot was a struggle.  Today he crawled from Ben to me (three feet away) and then to back to Ben and then back to me within about three minutes.  We looked at each other and were rather amazed.  It's so fun to watch his little body move...and actually get somewhere.