Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday: boolean

Ben: arg.  My  hair seems to have a mind of its own.  It often doesn't cooperate.  (or something like that...the transition to the next statement should have worked better, but I can't remember the exact wording.)
Amanda: Like a yes/no switch.
Ben: Yeah, a Boolean.  I have Boolean hair.
Amanda: Better watch out!  Flurry really likes bouillon.
Ben: Maybe that's what the wealthy style their hair with.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday: Flurry or Isaac?

As a follow up to Friday's post, where I talked about waking up afraid Isaac was about to get hurt, I have a story from last night.

I was semi-awake and think I even petted Flurry a few times.  She decided that it was time to get down off the bed.  I rapidly sat up and tried to hold her on the bed so she wouldn't fall off, all the while trying to figure out why Isaac was so slippery.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday: hmm...

I bought the Warcraft expansion and started playing today.  There were just too many white kittens that wanted me back.  I didn't do any leveling, but I did engage in a lot of pet battles. :)

I have a seven day trial...we'll see if I want to continue playing after that.  There are just so many fun things to do in life and not enough time to do them!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday: by some numbers... show how crazy I am.

0: The number of times Isaac has slept with Ben and me in our bed.
0: The number of times Isaac has slept with just me in our bed.
2: The number of times Isaac has slept with me in a different bed.
84: The approximate number of times I've startled awake, realized that Isaac wasn't sleeping next to me, and almost freaked out because I thought he was about to suffocate from the sheets/fall off the bed/be squished by an adult.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday: birthday

Today we celebrated Ashlyn's birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese.  It was Isaac's first time there and he had a lot of fun looking at things (and pretending to play the games).  Ben and I had a lot of fun too.

He's missing a sock because he took it off in the car and then dropped it in a puddle when I opened the door.  The restrooms didn't have the blow driers.

I got so dizzy in this ride.  Isaac seemed unaffected.  If there had been an emergency stop button, I would have pushed it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday: migrating

The last several days have brought tons of geese (and one swan) to our lake.  This is what it looked like this morning...probably at least fifty geese (or more) (and one swan).  (Seriously, I think the swan thinks it's a goose.) (I swept after I took the pictures.) (Parentheses are pretty fun.)

In honor of migrating day, I moved all the chairs from the deck into the garage for winter.  I also let the turtles on the deck come inside to winter, since Mom always let them come inside and they didn't get a tough skin.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday: today

Today I felt like I needed to have a productive day; the to-do list has been piling up.  The end result was ok...I managed to accomplish things, but there's still a lot on the list.  Guess it means I need to have more productive days in the near future.

Vacuuming was done, laundry was started (although I managed to partially melt the mattress pad), the kitchen remained clean, I had a dentist appointment, the freezer was cleaned, dinner was made, and some emails were sent.  And took a nap and took care of Isaac.  But those aren't really chores.