Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday: a job

For those of you that don't know, I'm teaching a lab at Hope next semester (CAD).  Today I had a meeting about it with the main instructor.

*They've changed a lot of things since I took the class.  I think they're probably good changes, but it is still a little odd.  The biggest change is that they've separated the lecture and the lab.
*I'm probably supposed to call the main instructor by his first name.  This feels super weird as I spent several years referring to him by his last name.  I'm trying to avoid saying his name, but I'm sure I'll have to at some point.
*Dad kindly watched Isaac during the meeting.  When it was done I found him crawling through the halls (and apparently waving to everyone) like he owned the place. :)

It'll be nice to have a little something to do again.  Not that I don't like staying home.  But I think it'll be good for both Isaac and me.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday: Christmas mailing

A few days ago I ordered two of the exact same thing from a store.  (On purpose.)  That was all I ordered from the store: two items.

I got a package from the store a few days ago.  "Great!" I thought, and proceeded to put it, unopened, by the rest of the presents.

Yesterday I got another package from the store.

Yes, the store sent the two items in two different shipments that arrived on two different days.  How weird is that?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday: for Liz

I think she's Christmasy.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday: Weeks 48 and 49

Week 48 (well, more like 48.5 because I kept forgetting).  He looks so old when he wears jeans.

Week 49

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday: crawling! sitting! running!

Yesterday Isaac really started crawling on his hands and knees.  Then today I bet he was on his hands and knees at least 75% of the time.  It really amazes me how fast he changes.  And since it is much easier to go to a sitting position from ones hands and knees, Isaac also started sitting by himself a lot more today!  Hurray!  I've been hoping he would do that for a while.

And then Isaac started running...

Fooled you?  Ben and I played racquetball with someone at the gym today.  I don't play cutthroat (I can give Ben a good game, but never win.  Against two guys I'm out of my league) so we played two vs one.  When Ben was the one we had him running all over the place.  He got a good workout, but I finally got to win a game. :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday: date night

Today was a bit more relaxed for Isaac and I, but I feel like I got a lot done.  Now, whether I actually did or not is up for debate, but at least a lot of little things got checked of my list.

Ben and I went to see the new Bond movie tonight.  It was fun.  Isaac got to spend some quality time with his grandparents.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday: keys and IDs

Today ended up being a rather busy day.

I got a key to the small building at the church where I'm helping out periodically.

After interviewing some babysitters at Hope I got a new ID card.

Then we started our gym membership where we got pictures for our ID cards.

This post was cooler in my head.  So here's a picture of Isaac.