Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday: a job

For those of you that don't know, I'm teaching a lab at Hope next semester (CAD).  Today I had a meeting about it with the main instructor.

*They've changed a lot of things since I took the class.  I think they're probably good changes, but it is still a little odd.  The biggest change is that they've separated the lecture and the lab.
*I'm probably supposed to call the main instructor by his first name.  This feels super weird as I spent several years referring to him by his last name.  I'm trying to avoid saying his name, but I'm sure I'll have to at some point.
*Dad kindly watched Isaac during the meeting.  When it was done I found him crawling through the halls (and apparently waving to everyone) like he owned the place. :)

It'll be nice to have a little something to do again.  Not that I don't like staying home.  But I think it'll be good for both Isaac and me.

1 comment:

betsy said...

LOL about you avoiding calling him by his name... I actually do that on a regular basis with some people from other countries at work whose names are very difficult for me to pronounce ;)