Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday: crawling! sitting! running!

Yesterday Isaac really started crawling on his hands and knees.  Then today I bet he was on his hands and knees at least 75% of the time.  It really amazes me how fast he changes.  And since it is much easier to go to a sitting position from ones hands and knees, Isaac also started sitting by himself a lot more today!  Hurray!  I've been hoping he would do that for a while.

And then Isaac started running...

Fooled you?  Ben and I played racquetball with someone at the gym today.  I don't play cutthroat (I can give Ben a good game, but never win.  Against two guys I'm out of my league) so we played two vs one.  When Ben was the one we had him running all over the place.  He got a good workout, but I finally got to win a game. :)

1 comment:

betsy said...

Ethan was the same - he learned overnight a few weeks ago to crawl up on all 4's and never looked back after that... however, he hasn't picked up the running part quite as quickly as Isaac - ha! ;)