Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday: a fun day

Today Isaac and I went to a Christmas gathering.  I'll admit that it was completely out of character for me, as I didn't know the host very well nor did I know anyone going.  But it sounded like fun and I knew there would be lots of new toys for Isaac to play with.

He especially enjoyed the trains and the drum sticks.  There was also a puppet show...
Police puppet: What is everyone doing here?
Isaac: DDDttaattdd  TTEHHOOOOO.
Police puppet: some other question that I can't remember
Police puppet: well, I may need to give you a ticket for that.

Later in the day I scared Isaac twice as he was coming around a corner.  He loves it.  There is a look of surprise, but then he bursts out into laughter.

Ben and I played racquetball.  I put up a good fight in two of the games, and my racquet was being unruly for two of the games.  We still got good exercise though.

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