Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday goals

Today's official goal was to go to Bible study.  Which I did.  (Although this week I didn't find it very interesting.  Usually we have a lot of interesting discussion, but it felt rather flat this week.)

The unofficial goals were water the plant, order tires, fold the laundry, clean the table, wrap a present, go to the store, send some emails, deal with some food, and make a phone call.  It felt like they were all top priority.  I got about half of them done.  (The easy half.)

I also went to the gym.  That's important, right?

And I helped Isaac put some of the Tupperware away.  He loves taking it out of the drawer so we're trying to  have him put it back in the drawer too.  But he had gotten more out than normal and it was taking so long to put away...so there is still some left.  Sometimes it seems like he understands that he is supposed to put it back in the drawer, and sometimes I think we're just lucky (or unlucky if he tries to play with it again.)

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