Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday: steps?

After getting into the cat food, not sitting still for a dirty diaper change, and putting his peas in his highchair at lunch, I decided that we should go to the gym this afternoon.

I went on the bikes.  I probably won't be trying everything the gym has to offer, but I'd like to try several of the things.  Last Friday was spin.  I enjoyed the bikes more (they have TVs!), but I probably got better exercise during spin.  I also liked going at 2pm 9:30 the place was jam-packed!  Even after work it isn't that busy.

I went to pick Isaac up and he was crying.  The worker said he had just fallen down right before I got there. She also said, "You didn't tell me he could walk."  Surprised, I said, "He can't.  Well, he can cruise but that's it."  She went on to say that he had walked a few steps and that is why he had fallen down.  I tried really hard to get him to do it at home but he was completely resisting.

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