Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday: falling

Isaac is still walking, but hasn't learned how to fall well.  He often falls backwards but forgets to bend at the waist, so he bonks his head.

We've managed to limit it to about once a day, but it is still really sad each time it happens.  The only good thing is that I get some great hugs afterwards, but I'd rather forgo them.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday: Dominion

Today we played online Dominion with our friends.  It was fun.  Nothing special to report I guess, though.  Isaac always goes to bed before it starts (unlike the other children) so it's a little sad that we don't get to show him off.

Doug won the first three games, but Ryan and I managed to beat him on the last game.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday: feelings

Isaac is starting to figure out his feelings.  Yesterday and today the feeling he is learning about is frustration.  Frustration that his walker ran into a wall.  Frustration that the end table ran into the wall.  Frustration that I wouldn't pick him up.  Frustration that he had to wait for his food.

It's annoying, but I suppose part of growing up.

He also got to experience some happy feelings with Ben today though.  Notice that he even has his own controller.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday: aqua fit II

Today during aquarobics we were supposed to hold a Styrofoam noodle in front of us and then push it down while our arms were extended.

The noodle and I must have about the same buoyancy because I could not push it down without jumping on top of it.  I looked around and no one else seemed to be having any problems.  Maybe I was in water that was too deep.  I was laughing in the inside because I probably looked hilarious as I fought with the noodle while trying to keep my composure.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday: Happy Valentine's Day

Isaac got a small gift from Dad and Pat for Valentines. He read the card.

And ate some M&Ms.  He loves M&Ms.  Although I tend to only give him half candies because otherwise he has a tendency to drool colored drool and that is gross.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday: overheard

"My alarm clock is old enough to vote."  ~Ben

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday: success!

Isaac has a few responsibilities around the house.  He (sometimes) has to put away things he's gotten out.  He stands by the correct drawer, I hand him the item, he puts it in...hopefully.  The whole process takes about twenty times longer than just doing it myself.  Isaac also has to put away his clean silverware from the dishwasher.  Usually this happens after he's played with it and I've emptied the rest of the dishwasher.

Today he motioned that he wanted to put the silverware away right away!  (It's in the top drawer, so I pick him up to do it.)  And there were two bottles that I asked him to put away and he did it.  I think the latter one might have been a fluke, but I'm going with it.  He also proceeded to take out a ton of stuff after putting the bottles away, but one step at a time.