Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday: success!

Isaac has a few responsibilities around the house.  He (sometimes) has to put away things he's gotten out.  He stands by the correct drawer, I hand him the item, he puts it in...hopefully.  The whole process takes about twenty times longer than just doing it myself.  Isaac also has to put away his clean silverware from the dishwasher.  Usually this happens after he's played with it and I've emptied the rest of the dishwasher.

Today he motioned that he wanted to put the silverware away right away!  (It's in the top drawer, so I pick him up to do it.)  And there were two bottles that I asked him to put away and he did it.  I think the latter one might have been a fluke, but I'm going with it.  He also proceeded to take out a ton of stuff after putting the bottles away, but one step at a time.

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