Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday: grading

Tonight was a marathon grading session.  The class I'm teaching is a half semester class, and the registrar's office doesn't give any extra time between the class ending and having grades due.  (One of the classes was actually scheduled to meet after grades were due...we got around it.)

Anyway,  the final project was a toy car.  Most of them were really cool.  Some of them were amazing.  I wish I could show you some pictures, but I don't have permission.  But there were DeLoreans, gliding cars, dump trucks, hardware-mobiles, Hope cars, banana cars, drag cars, and your "normal" cars.  I had the students include a short paragraph with their car, mainly so that I'd know what part they imported, but that part turned out to be really interesting.  It was cool to see what they were thinking and really helped me grade better.  (For example, in one of them it wasn't that the person in the car was too small but that it was a monster truck.)

There are a few things that I'll change for the class again during the second half of the semester, but overall I thought it went really well.

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