Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday: puzzling

A few days ago I decided to get out a puzzle.  I'm not really sure what I was's not an easy puzzle and I have a toddler!  But it's worked out a lot better than I expected.  We've done a lot of puzzling together; he'll do his puzzle and I'll do mine.  Once in a while I'll let him sit on my lap while I'm working on mine and he keeps trying to move my arm and tell me that I'm not putting the pieces together fast enough. Mine isn't as easy as his!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday: 18 month appointment

Today was Isaac's 18 month appointment.  He's doing well and there's nothing that we need to be concerned about.  He's weighing in at 23 lb 1 oz (33%), and is 31.75" (17%) long.  He got two shots and didn't cry!  For that, he got his first sucker.  Luckily the nurse gave us a clear one (coconut flavored or something) because Isaac did get it all over himself.  He also had some blood drawn.  He cried a little bit for that, but probably because we were holding him so that he couldn't move.  The crying didn't start until about 30 seconds after the needle was put in.

On the potty training front, there was some more success today so we'll try again tomorrow.  I didn't work it too hard in the afternoon/evening due to the doctor's appointment.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday: potty training, day 1

Well, I thought we'd try potty training this week.  There were several reasons that I thought this might be a good week; if things seem to work I'll go into why.  Today didn't go great, but we did have some success.  I'll give it another day or two and see how things are going and whether I want to continue trying right now.

Isaac has also decided that Flurry makes a good pillow.  She was actually purring on the bed when he was using her as a pillow.  Then later in the afternoon Isaac followed her around and tried to lean over and lay on her.  That didn't work quite as well.

He did wear pants for part of the day...
In other other news Ben and I have noticed a lot of new things that he can do over the last day or so.  It was pretty cool to compare notes tonight.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday: 18 months

Before we went on vacation, I took Isaac's 18 month photos.  This month I asked him to stand in front of the quilt for pictures and he did!!

Sleep has gotten better than last month.  He sometimes has been talking himself to sleep, but hasn't needed as much help again.  Naps are still a little bit of an issue, but he still goes down at some point during the day.

His vocabulary has exploded during the last week.  Still not a ton of actual nouns, although he did add ball, but he also can meow, neigh, moo, beep, whee, and say amen.  Amen is only one syllable and really funny. He's been noticing a lot of sounds in the environment.  When he hears a train or a car beep he'll beep and say woof when he hears a dog.

I'm not sure what else to talk about with regards to being 18 months.  He still plays well by himself, although he often prefers to play with us.

Isaac laughs easily and has great faces.  He hasn't enjoyed reading as much this month.  Curious George is still a favorite.

He's been waking up still between about 6:15 and 6:45 most mornings pretty happily.  He often hands me all of his stuffed animals to get out of the crib first.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday: home

After Dunkin' Donuts, Isaac and I went to a park so that Ben could sleep a little longer.  It looked like a big park from the map, so I was hoping for a playground.  No luck.  There was a part that looked like a play structure, but it was really a splash pad and it was locked up.  The park was a little boring, but Isaac chased some sparrows and found rocks.

Ben drove home while Isaac and I slept.  The rest of the day was fine...we were a little tired but not exhausted.  Isaac was pretty happy the rest of the day, but went to sleep pretty easily.  I think vacation wore him out. :)

Saturday: easy day

Today was our last day together. Ben and I packed up in the morning and then we all went to have Indian food...yum!

We had an easy afternoon hanging out. We watched the rescuers down under. When the mean lizard is chasing the little lizard to get the keys Isaac was enthralled and kept saying "uh oh" through the whole scene.

We finally took a group picture, ate dinner, and took off. It was a really fun week and we were sad to leave.

After almost stopping early because we like to sleep, we kept going and are near Chicago. We'll be home soon!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Friday: strawberries and pool

This morning we went strawberry picking. Isaac did a lot better at it than I was expecting. He could easily pick the strawberries I found for him and put them in the box.

Later in the day he found where the cut strawberries were being kept on the counter and nicely asked for one. And another. And another. Then he dragged our friend closer to the counter because she had left and said please. He kept coming back but he so politely asked for them that he kept getting them.

We went to the pool in the early evening. We were surprised by an awesome rate because we got there so late. Hurray for the nap! It took Isaac a while to warm up to it, but he had a lot of fun. There were some really nice water slides for the adults too.

Lastly, there was kick the can ice cream...and it was delicious. Isaac figured out to do a little kicking, but ladderball ended up being more fun to play.