Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday: winter weather

We had a big storm come yesterday.  We've had quite a bit of snow, but we got a lot on Sunday.  Everything was canceled today.  I decided not to try and go into work, even though today was my day to try and get as much ready as possible.  

So Ben and I were working from home (or trying to) and I check my email...Hope is canceling classes Tuesday and Wednesday!  Woot-woot!  I haven't had a real snow day in ages.  Also, since my last day of classes during a week is on Wednesday, I don't need to continue to try and prep!  Well, I'll probably go in on Wednesday to prep.  We'll see what tomorrow looks like and I might drop Isaac off at day care.

It was funny to watch the cancellation page throughout the day.  All sorts of random things were closing down...libraries, fitness centers, dentist offices.

Here's a picture of Isaac last night on our deck.  It's gotten much deeper since then.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I had an unexpected throw up today. Well, not that unexpected but it got everywhere. I made it to the kitchen sink, but the paper towels had recently been used up. Isaac was behind me saying, "uh-oh" in a worried voice, so I asked him to get me some toilet paper.

I wasn't sure what would come of my request, but Isaac ran off. I thought it was towards his bathroom and wondered if a trail of toilet paper was going to be coming out...he's not very good at tearing it. But then I heard some running in the opposite direction, towards our bathroom.

A bit later Isaac brings me a whole roll of toilet paper. I was proud of him and felt quite loved.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wednesday: still alive

I'm still alive!

It's just been kind of crazy...we went to Florida for vacation and I haven't been feeling great.  So between those two things I haven't posted like normal.

I hope to soon put up some pictures. :)  But the camera is upstairs and I am way too lazy to get it.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I hate being pregnant. I like babies and I love Isaac so I assume that I'll love this child, but I am not happy. I'm throwing up quite a bit more and feel sick most of the time. I think I really need to take two pills at the same time for the to be most effective, but that means rationing them.

We've told the family...but that was fun so I'll save it for a happier post.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I'm back.

It's been a fun, but busy week.

We had Christmas with Ben's family and it was a lot of fun. It was crazy with all the people but lots of fun and there was delicious food.

Nathan and Liz (and baby) were up for the following several days. It was wonderful to see them. We exchanged Christmas presents, went to the Critter Barn, and made Christmas cookies. Isaac enjoyed cutting them out but didn't really care for decorating them. Really, he only liked eating the toppings.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday: that

Isaac's new favorite word seems to be "that."

Parents: "What do you want?"
Isaac: "That."

Parents: "What are you trying to do?"
Isaac: "That."

Parents: "What's this?"
Isaac: "That." answers so many questions so well and poorly, all at the same time.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday: hmm

Everyday this week I expect Ben to come home to a house cleaner than when he left it. Everyday the house is messier than when he left it. It's a bad trend.

It was so bad that even Isaac was saying "mess! Mess!" To be fair, he makes a lot of the messes. But today we had him clean it up. And while it's still messy, it's not a disaster.