Showing posts with label child2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child2. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Another baby?

At lunch Isaac started pulling up his shirt. This isn't something he normally does, so Ben and I were rather puzzled. Then he pointed to his (rotund) belly and said, "baby!"

We asked him if he had a baby in his belly. After answering in the affirmative, he wanted to open his belly to get the baby out.

He makes me giggle.


Isaac: what's that?
Amanda: a baby. It's inside Mom.
Isaac: Open!
Amanda: I hope not.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Love 2

I was feeling pretty good today...until 4:45 rolled around. I held it together until Ben walked in the door with our food, when I told him he would have to get everything ready.
And promptly threw up. It was a rough one. Afterwards I started to get everything cleaned up but couldn't abdomen was really sore! So Ben dealt with all the yucky stuff. What a way to welcome him home.
PS. I can walk fine now.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday: news!

Ben and I are happy to announce that we are expecting another baby!

I'm due August 1st, which means I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant.  We've seen one ultrasound around eight weeks and the baby looks like a squiggle.

I've been pretty sick (hence the lack of blog posts.)  I think it's been a little bit better than with Isaac, but not really by much.

If you want to read all the back posts that I've been hiding, you can click here: child2.  (They might not be in date order though, so that could be confusing.)  They're not all happy posts, but really, being sick isn't a very happy thing.  (But later, having a child is (or at least should be) a happy thing.  I just have to remind myself of that.)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

I felt like giving up tonight. The problem is that too many people need me to not give up. I'm just so sick of being sick. The medicine seems to be helping, but I still don't feel like a normal person.

And to be fair, I'm not sure what giving up would look like. Probably sitting around and moping in bed.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New drugs

I'm happy to report that I'm very optimistic about the the medicine I got. I took two last night before bed, as directed, and about 45 minutes later I woke up a bit and went, "ahh...this is what it is like to feel like a normal human being." The normal feelings lasted through wake-up time until about mid-morning. And even though right now I don't feel perfect, I feel a lot better than most nights.

The instructions say that if nausea persists to take one in the morning too. I will probably do so.

The biggest problem is that the medicine is on the expensive side since no insurances cover it yet. But feeling like a normal person might be worth the high price tag. Or I might be able to get through the end of the first trimester on the free samples and deal with it. We'll see what happens when they run out.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ob appt

Today was my first official OB appointment...finally. I got a trial of some new medicine, so here's hoping.

We didn't hear the heartbeat, but the baby did roll over while listening.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Isaac has started to pretend throwing up when I am. It's funny. And gross. But it gives him something to do while I'm incapacitated.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I had an unexpected throw up today. Well, not that unexpected but it got everywhere. I made it to the kitchen sink, but the paper towels had recently been used up. Isaac was behind me saying, "uh-oh" in a worried voice, so I asked him to get me some toilet paper.

I wasn't sure what would come of my request, but Isaac ran off. I thought it was towards his bathroom and wondered if a trail of toilet paper was going to be coming out...he's not very good at tearing it. But then I heard some running in the opposite direction, towards our bathroom.

A bit later Isaac brings me a whole roll of toilet paper. I was proud of him and felt quite loved.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I hate being pregnant. I like babies and I love Isaac so I assume that I'll love this child, but I am not happy. I'm throwing up quite a bit more and feel sick most of the time. I think I really need to take two pills at the same time for the to be most effective, but that means rationing them.

We've told the family...but that was fun so I'll save it for a happier post.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Wiser and smarter

I called the doctor's office and asked for medicine today.  Feeling sick is dumb.  And I know there is medicine out there; why not use it?

I've felt much better tonight.  They gave me Zophran (hooray!) but it still requires some rationing (boo).

Saturday, December 14, 2013


I threw up last night for the first time.  It was the first time and I think I am still feeling significantly better than when I was pregnant with Isaac, but it is still a battle.  I think I'll call the doctor on Monday and see if I can get any medicine.  I could probably tough through it, but why?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

7 week update

If I can make it one more day without throwing up I will have made it farther than I did with Isaac.  I've come really close a few times, but it's stayed under control so far.  I still have quite a bit of nasuea, although today was actually really good.  But I'm eating a ton.  One reason is when I'm eating I feel better.  I'm a little more hungry too, but mainly it's that I feel better.  And with Christmas right around the corner, there is no absence of food!  I did pick up some gum at the store today.  That seems to be helping, although I'm not a huge gum chewer and after a while just go blah.  But it is a nice alternative to putting more food in my mouth.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


I was doing aqua-aerobics today, partially to be in good health for the baby.  I even ate a nutritious breakfast for the baby.  Then I had to go to the bathroom before the workout was finished.  It was close the the end so I just stopped.  I sure am going to the bathroom more than I remember with Isaac.  But I'm still feeling pretty good.  I did the calculations and realized, if everything is the same, that I would start throwing up between Dec 3 and Dec 12.  (Thanks to the blog!)  But if memory serves me correctly I was already feeling a little yucky last time, so I'm getting hopeful.

Monday, November 11, 2013

I'm pregnant!

I found out tonight that I'm pregnant again!

I've been feeling a little weird the last two days.  I was hoping to wait until tomorrow to take the test, but decided that it didn't really matter.

I told Ben by building a nursery in Minecraft.  Kind of cheesy, but more fun than just blurting it out.

It had two cribs. :D  It only took him a few seconds to catch on.