Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday: another first

We used the snot sucker thingy.  It took two of us.  And Joshua enjoyed it about as much as I expected.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday: 27 weeks

Joshua is 27 weeks today.

He has not been sleeping well.  I've lost count of how many times I've been up the last three nights.  Usually he'll go back down with a pacifier, but I'm still waking up. (If stumbling to his room with my eye half shut counts. I'm oddly afraid that I'm going to fall down the stairs sometime. (Here's a picture of the stairs and the door of Joshua's room.))  If I knew that it was just that he wanted a pacifier I'd start doing something about it, but it could be so many other things that I don't really want to let him cry too long.  I'll give him a while longer and reevaluate.

He enjoyed his first sweet potatoes!  He ate the whole container, and most of it got into his tummy.  He's gotten really good at opening his mouth, even if his tongue sometimes pushes it back out.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday: why?

Oh, I was hoping that we had somehow managed to skip the "why?" stage.  But we didn't.  Today was a bad one.  After a morning of whys we were in the car returning from lunch and had approximately this conversation...

I: I told Grandma to watch out because her french fry might be too hot.
A: That was nice of you.  Did she laugh?
I: She said "Thank you"
I: Why?
B: So she wouldn't burn her mouth
I: Why?
A: Because it hurts
I: Why?
I: Are you ok Mommy?  Did you burn your mouth?

Ben and I laughed...what a good assumption, given the context and Isaac's point of view.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday: brothers

I took some pictures of the boys together yesterday.  I wish I had thought about their clothes a little bit more, but oh well.  It still turned out fun.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday: Isaac and Joshua

Isaac is another month older!

Eating - he went from loving peanut butter jelly to loving nutella.  "ella," as he says it.  Besides that eating is hit and miss.  Sometimes he eats a lot, sometimes he barely touches anything.  Eating on his carpet square and tray has worked pretty well.  The rule is that his butt has to be over the carpet square, but besides that we pretty much let him move as much as he wants.  We'll see if we need to implement another rule later, such as your head can't be on the carpet.

Talking - he talks all the time.  The other day I think he talked without ceasing and it is a little hard to deal with.  But normal, I'm sure.  He often has EEs (monkeys) that do stuff with him lately, so he tells me all about them.  Brown EEs have beds at home.  Black EEs need little cups.  Etc.  He also has stopped listening very well and will often say "what?" to get us to repeat something.  One evening I told him he couldn't ask any more questions until Ben got home, but besides that it hasn't been overly bad.  (By the way, today I found out that the Holy Spirit sometimes has a mouth and likes to drink chocolate milk from big glasses.  EEs like to drink from medium glasses.  They don't have any baby ones.)

Toilet training - still working on it.  I think things are still improving.

Movies - Isaac loves to watch his movie after rest time.  He often will watch the same thing for several weeks in a row...lately he's watched Mickey Mouse Road Raley, a Thomas one, and just today Wall-E came back.

Expressions - Isaac has a very funny "serious" face.  It gets a little scrunched up.

Ok...now on to Joshua!  He ate "real food" for the first time today.  He started to open his mouth by the end, so we'll consider it a win.  I'm not sure how much actually got in him, but I think a little bit at least.

He kept falling.  I might try the bumbo tomorrow instead.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday: 6 months again

Joshua was so smiley for the camera yesterday.  I got so many good shots...and these are only about half of them.  I couldn't pick a favorite.

(You can compare to Isaac's six month pictures.  They two boys look different.  Isaac's expressions were all over the place, but Joshua was just happy.  The few above that aren't smiles were the exception.)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday: six months

Joshua turned six months today!  How time flies.

We got some of the standard pictures and took a few extra six month pictures, but those will probably be saved for another blog post.

Sleeping - about this same as previously.  We've gone through a small but long cold, which didn't help.  He is also out of his sleep sack at night.  I still send it to day care to help him get to sleep with all the noise there.  He usually sleeps about 12 hours at night and then has a short morning nap, long early afternoon nap, and short early evening nap.  Usually.

Tongue - he's started to stick his tongue out and it's pretty cute.  You can see it in some of the pictures.

Motor control - I feel like his fine motor control has increased a lot in the last month.  He was grabbing things before, but now he is grabbing things all the time.  Gross motor control is improving too...he hasn't rolled over again, but I expect it will happen soon.  And stomach to back rolling easily happens now.  He can sit for many seconds at a time.  He also seems to be happy in the exersaucer for longer periods of time, probably because grabbing and playing with the toys is more possible now.