Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday: outside

We ventured outside today.  When we were getting ready the sun was shining brightly, but by the time we actually got outside it was a bit cloudy.

Isaac initially didn't want to go outside but then saw Joshua's sunglasses and was suddenly excited.  I was a bit surprised, but going with it.  Then I realized that Isaac actually saw them as goggles and wanted to wear goggles.  So we went with that instead.

It's hard to lawn mow when there is snow on the ground.

Joshua, looking cool.

Lawn mowing a puddle.

The sunglasses stayed on much better than I was expecting, although part of it could be that he didn't really have hand access.

Friday: 18 years

18 years spent with my children at home! While thinking this evening I once again realized how quickly that time will fly and got a little sad.'s easy to feel this way after the kids are in bed.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday: what classifies as an emergency

I was trying to describe to Isaac what constitutes an "emergency" and when it is ok for him to yell for me.

Not ok: his stuffed snowman gets bitten by a shark
Ok: Needs more water, needs a wipe, threw up

He immediately starts doing something weird with his mouth.  Then promptly tells me that he has some spit-up.  Luckily, his wipe took care of it and I didn't need to describe the difference between spit up and throw up.  :p

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday: messed up together

During dinner we're watching a show called "Brain Games".  It's not great, but it's ok and it's ok for Isaac to watch.  Today's episode was basically on subliminal messages.

Ben and I got a lot of the games wrong.  They said, "count the ducks" and we both thought they were rabbits.  (It turns out they could be either, but since they said 'ducks', most people think they're ducks.)  They said, "which person would you hire?" and we both chose the 'wrong' person.

Then Ben got out his phone and showed me a picture..."what do you think these look like?"  "Ladybugs," I responded.  Ben said, "Me too!  But when you look at them up close they're just circles with holes in them.  People didn't understand how I could think they were lady bugs."

We might be messed up, but at least we're messed up together.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday: seven months

Joshua turned seven months on Saturday, so here's an update.

Eating: after refusing solids for the first two weeks of six months, he finally started eating them.  Today the green beans just disappeared...the first time that has happened.  He's been at about a half container a day.  I haven't been introducing foods as quickly, mostly because he was barely eating them.  He's now had rice cereal, sweet potato, apples, and green beans.  Tomorrow might be squash.

Sleeping: he is still taking about three naps a day: two short ones morning and early evening and a longer one early afternoon.  He'll often end up sleeping with me in the afternoon and I think it makes both of us happy.  He is often waking up several times at night just needing a pacifier.  If it continues, the pacifier will be gone around the same time he's done with day care.

Gross motor: He's very good at sitting up.  He loves to jump.  He doesn't roll over for me (either way), although sometimes I've found him rolled over in his crib.

Fine motor: It's improving.  He can get little things in a fist.  He doesn't seem to put as much in his mouth as Isaac did, so Puffs aren't working very well yet.  He can take puzzle pieces out of a puzzle.

Temperament: most days Joshua is a mellow kid.  He laughs, but not for very long.  He (usually) doesn't get very sad.  He is often happy to play by himself for a bit, especially if he can see someone else.  However, I think teeth are getting him down.  The second one is poking through and he had a rather cuddly day today.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday: last night and another walk

We took another walk on the ice.  Isaac did not want to go, but we told him it was family time and that he could do his desired activity afterwards.  And we stuck his wipe in his coat pocket; I feel like that is what finally calmed him down.  He was a pretty good sport about it once we got out, but we could tell it still wasn't what he really wanted to do.

So I'm sure you guys are all wondering how last night went.  It went amazingly.  I didn't get out of bed for seven hours.  Seven!  I actually felt awake getting out of bed for the first time in a long time.  Isaac stayed dry.  I heard him run to the bathroom around 6:30, but was kind of expecting that since we put him to bed early.  He got back in bed afterwards as we had discussed before bed.  Joshua has figured out how to roll over in his crib and slept that way.  He always seems a bit confused when he wakes up on his stomach, but he sleeps much better.  I still can't get him to roll over during the day, but I'll take what I can get.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday: pajamas and lake

We got some new handme down pajamas for Joshua, and there just happened to be a smaller size of Isaac's favorite pajamas.  So they both wore them last night.

Isaac putting a ball on Joshua's head.

I was having a really hard time getting them to look at me (let alone smile), so I had them look at the fire.  Even that proved a bit difficult.  First Joshua looked right.  Then left.  Then I finally got one of him looking at the fire.

(Side note: Isaac really wanted to wear underwear to bed tonight.  So we're trying it.  He told me he wouldn't have an accident...but he has been staying dry only about 50% of the nights lately.  I'm kind of expecting a 6am wakeup call, but thought I'd see what happens.  Sometimes he surprises me.)

Ben and Isaac also took a walk onto the lake.

See the black speck in the middle of the picture?  That's them.
It's a rather weird feeling to walk onto the lake, even when you know it is well frozen.