Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday: last night and another walk

We took another walk on the ice.  Isaac did not want to go, but we told him it was family time and that he could do his desired activity afterwards.  And we stuck his wipe in his coat pocket; I feel like that is what finally calmed him down.  He was a pretty good sport about it once we got out, but we could tell it still wasn't what he really wanted to do.

So I'm sure you guys are all wondering how last night went.  It went amazingly.  I didn't get out of bed for seven hours.  Seven!  I actually felt awake getting out of bed for the first time in a long time.  Isaac stayed dry.  I heard him run to the bathroom around 6:30, but was kind of expecting that since we put him to bed early.  He got back in bed afterwards as we had discussed before bed.  Joshua has figured out how to roll over in his crib and slept that way.  He always seems a bit confused when he wakes up on his stomach, but he sleeps much better.  I still can't get him to roll over during the day, but I'll take what I can get.

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