Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday: home

We're home.

Ben and I were rather sick today though.  I'm not really sure what I have...there's a little cough, but mainly just tired in a sick way.  Luckily, the boys behaved themselves pretty well and we made it through the day.  I even got several pieces of luggage unpacked and the wash done.

We were both feeling better after dinner; we'll see what tomorrow brings.

My interesting thought of the day: we have two of those tubs that you get to bring home from the hospital.  Isaac uses one in the tub, and the other one might be the throw-up bucket since the throw-up cup is lost.  (I know.  How does one lose a throw-up cup?)  Anyway, at one point Isaac was worried that the throw-up bucket was the one he uses in the tub.  So today I thought we could put the acronym on the throw-up bucket to differentiate between them: T.U.B.  Oh...that doesn't help as much as I was hoping.

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