Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday: wisdom of Solomon

Today both boys wore Mickey Mouse shirts. Isaac's is just the body (such that his head is where Mickey's head would be) and Joshua just had Mickey's head.

I was telling a whole clothing story to Ben that was not really very coherent and he says, "Yeah, I got a bit distracted thinking about Mickey and King Solomon." I couldn't help but laugh.

Also, we left on vacation today. Travel went really well. Isaac was really excited about going under bridges on the way to the airport. He was also excited about going on an airplane. I'm not sure that he realizes that he should really be excited about being on vacation. Joshua barely slept at all today, but was in good spirits. He enjoyed laughing at a boy on the airplane that was making funny faces at him.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Ethan is most excited about buses and airplanes for vacation too. Boys! :-P. have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear about it!